时间: 2024-01-23 22:45:11 阅读: 380
1、天气预报用英语说是:weather forecast。weather forecast,英式读音为:[we fkɑst];美式读音为:[wer frkst]。
3、天气预报说将会有风暴。I don’t usually listen ot the weather.They never get it right.我不怎么听天气预报。
4、天气预报英语读:weather forecast 天气预报就是应用大气变化的规律,根据当前及近期的天气形势,对某一地未来一定时期内的天气状况进行预测。
5、天气英语是weather一读音英 #39we#240#601r,美 #39we#240#601r二意思n 天气气象境遇 vt 使风化经受住使日晒雨淋 vi 风化褪色经受风雨 adj 上风的天气预报的 三。
6、天气预报用英文表达为The weather forecast或是weather report。
Hello everydody,this is the next day weather report for some main city in Guangdong .
Guangzhou is rainy and windy.It is cold,and the temperature is 10 degree to 15 degree.
Shenzhen is cloudy.It is warm,the temperature is from 19 degree to 22 degree.
Jieyang is warmer.It is sunny.The temperature is 22 degree to 25 degree.
2、英文中,“天气预报”通常被译为“weather forecast”,其中“weather”表示“天气”,“forecas”表示“预测”。在日常生活中,人们通常会通过电视、广播、互联网等渠道获取天气预报信息。
3、天气预报用英语说是:weather forecast。weather forecast,英式读音为:[we fkɑst];美式读音为:[wer frkst]。
4、天气预报用英文表达为The weather forecast或是weather report。
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