时间: 2024-01-24 02:06:08 阅读: 206
younger sister 妹;妹子;娣;女弟 例句 As a child she fought with her younger sister 她小时候会和妹妹打架。
1、“祝您节日快乐!”用英文是Happy Holidays。例句:Once again I wish you a happy holiday 再次祝您节日快乐。
2、英文:Happy holidays to you。
3、A merry Christmas and a happy new year!祝圣诞愉快,新年快乐。May I wish you the compliments of the season and a Happy New Year.祝圣诞愉快,新年快乐。
4、问题一:节日快乐英文怎么写?? Happy ... Day!问题二:祝你节日快乐英文怎么写 I wish you a happy holiday 问题三:节日快乐用英语怎么说 节日快乐 这是我们中文的表达方式,中文是可以这么表达。
5、节日快乐英语:Happy holidays。节日过得很快乐。The festival was spent joyfully。
6、祝你和家人节日快乐。Wish you and your family happy holidays.我在宁静的节日快乐的时候。
英文:Happy holidays to you。
“祝您节日快乐!”用英文是Happy Holidays。例句:Once again I wish you a happy holiday 再次祝您节日快乐。
节日快乐英语:Happy holidays。节日过得很快乐。The festival was spent joyfully。
祝我节日快乐英语:Wish me a happy holiday。节日快乐的祝福语有:On Easter,I wish you good luck and happiness.复活节,愿好运与你相聚,快乐享受美好画卷。
May the coming New Year bring you joy, love and peace. 愿新年为你带来快乐,友爱和宁静。 Wishing you happiness during the holidays and throughout the New Year. 祝节日快乐,新年幸福。
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